Entries by admin

Clean Air, Healthy Lungs, Better Living!

When a person has interstitial lung disease (ILD), parts of the lungs that help oxygen get into our blood and out to our tissues are damaged. Scarring in the lungs makes it hard to breathe, and the person might develop a chronic cough. Lack of oxygen makes patients feel tired all the time.Some causes of […]

Symptoms of interstitial lung disease

Interstitial lung diseases (ILD) are a group of rare lung conditions that cause chronic breathlessness. The problem usually develops over the age of 50 years. The most common symptom of all Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs) is shortness of breath. This is often accompanied by a dry cough, chest discomfort, fatigue and occasionally weight loss. The […]

IHC staining of cancer cases @Sapien

At Sapien Biosciences, we screen our biobanked FFPE samples using Ventana IHC systems for optimization and staining of antibodies. This allows to visualize the presence and localization of target proteins within tissue samples, supporting biomarker validation, disease characterization, and therapeutic target identification. Our digital pathology capabilities include whole-slide scanning at 40X magnification for advanced AI […]

Cell Assays for Immuno-Oncology R&D

June is Cancer Immunotherapy Awareness Month. Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that enhances the patient’s own immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells. Several immunotherapies have been approved for use in treating cancer, such as checkpoint inhibitors, CAR-T cell therapy, and therapeutic vaccines.The development of immuno-oncology drugs requires understanding their activity such […]

Histological Distribution of Sapien’s Ovarian Cancer Cases

Ovarian cancer is comprised of various tumour groups that are histologically distinct which is important to know for their treatment. The cancer may originate in one or both ovaries, as well as in the nearby fallopian tubes or peritoneum. Diverse types of ovarian cancers are categorized based on the originating cell’s name. Epithelial ovarian carcinomas, […]

BRCA1/2 testing can guide therapy in Ovarian Cancer

Homologous recombination repair (#HRR) pathway repairs double-strand DNA breaks, and its deficiency leads to Homologous recombination deficiency (#HRD), resulting in genomic instability and contributing to cancer.HRD mutations, including #BRCA1 or #BRCA2 mutations are important actionable biomarkers in #Ovariancancer, that are sensitive to #PARP inhibitors that block the repair of #DNAdamage, such as #olaparib, #rucaparib, and […]

Assessment of DLL3 and CD3 Expression in Pediatric Tumor FFPE Samples for Potential DLL3-Targeted Immunotherapy

Delta-like ligand 3 (DLL3), a Notch inhibitory ligand, is a promising therapeutic target that is upregulated in Small Cell Lung Cancers (SCLC) and Neuroendocrine carcinomas but is not detectable in normal adult tissues. Various DLL3-specific therapies are under clinical development, including ADC rovalpituzumab tesirine (#Abbvie), bispecific TCE molecule AMG 757 (#Amgen), and CAR-T therapy AMG […]

The landscape of actionable genomic alterations in lung adenocarcinomas in India

Sapien Biosciences is excited to share our recently published article, titled “The Landscape of Actionable Genomic Alterations in Lung Adenocarcinomas in India,” in Frontiers in Genetics, section Genetics of Common and Rare Diseases. Our retrospective study, involving 53 Indian Lung Adenocarcinoma patients and utilizing a targeted NGS panel of 46 cancer-relevant oncogenes, revealed pathogenic or […]

Timeline of Precision Medicine in Breast cancer

The timeline of breast cancer care and therapy is marked by significant milestones that have transformed patient outcomes and the way we approach this devastating disease as shown in the figure here. From the pioneering mastectomy procedures of the late 19th century to the development of targeted therapies specifically blocking the drivers of breast cancer […]