Tag Archive for: glioma

Grade and Age distribution of Brain Cancers

#glioma is a malignant cancer of the brain. Early signs include decline in brain function, #memoryloss, personality changes, Vision changes etc. Based on the type of cell affected, they are classified as, Ependymoma, Astrocytoma, Oligodendroglioma, and mixed (Oligoastrocytoma). Their #histopathology grading is based on #worldhealthorganization classification into four grades: Biologically benign gliomas [WHO grade I], Low-grade gliomas [WHO grade II] (well-differentiated and not anaplastic), and High-grade [WHO grades III–IV] (undifferentiated or anaplastic). #Sapienbio inventory has all grades of #gliomas with maximum being Grade IV or #glioblastoma.


May is Brain cancer awareness month

According to Global Cancer Observatory (www.gco.iarc.fr), #braincancer contributed to 2.4% of all cancers in India during 2020. They ranked 14th in the number of cases (31,460), but 10th in the number of deaths (26656) due to cancers in 2020.
To tackle this deadly cancer, Sapien has collated FFPE blocks, flash frozen #tissue, live primary cells from many #braintumors to enable #drugscreening, validation of new #drugtargets and #glioma #biomarkers.
We will be sharing our brain cancer research and resources through May, starting with this slide on our #FFPE blocks with matched #RWE data from 1 of our many hospitals.

www.indiancancersociety.org; www.cancer.gov/types/brain;